Welcome to BootwtDoes !

A community charity event supporting charities around the world

December Dash Charity Event !

Supporting Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières

March Madness Charity Event !

Supporting the Trans Women of Color Collective and the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council

July Jubilee Charity Event !

Supporting the First Nations Development Institute

Total Raised: $476.07

Meet Our Staff !

A special thank you to our amazing team of social media managers and artists who work together to make this event run smoothly! Make sure to follow all of them and show them a lot of love!

Overseers !

Rizzo - she/her

Thorin - they/them

Helpers !

Moon/Dust - she/her

Olive/Ollie - they/she/he

Sol - she/they/it/moss

Luci - they/them

Ham/Hama - she/they

Candy - they/them

Allie - she/her

Andy - they/xe

Ollu - he/him

Silver Lettuce - he/they

Artists !

Olive/Ollie - they/she/he

Bliu/Paar - he/him

Royal/Bunny - any

Jay/JJ - he/they

Ivan/Bear - he/they

Ivy/Jay - she/they/it

Moon/Dust - she/her

Mez/Mezzy - they/them

Ardemo - she/they

Puggy/Abi - any

Silver Lettuce - he/they

You're here early !

We are currently in between events right now, but if you would like to check out the charities we have fundraised for in the past, check out our past events tab!

Next Event Begins In: